Montag, 12. Juli 2010


I roasted the chicken,added the tomato farrago and the cheese.

And now I proudly present the protagonist: the Tortilla wraps!
I filled them with the chicken and rolled them up.
And this is the miserable result: Could there be a more delicious looking tortilla? YES.
This is what I was wearing while cooking. I just wear this long dress in the house and in the garden because it shows too much but is SO comfy to wear when it's about 36°C.
Despite the non-Happy-Enchiladas-End(I couldn't eat more than one half because while cooking I ate SO much cheese) this was a pretty evening.
After the meal I got out and went to the fields where the sun was setting and I took photos both with my good,ol' digital camera as well as with my new,old Canon I got on the flea market for 7 bucks.Then I had a coffee to reduce the ugly feeling of having eaten too much.And now I am sitting here listening to Coco Rosie.
The summertime is a much better time than I'd expected. Every morning I go out to walk on the morning dew all over the grass with bare feet. It's a little cold but it touches every sense.

2 Kommentare:

  1. how wonderful it must be to go outside and see all green, I unfortunately live in a city and well, with the heat let's just say there's no green left that the sun hasn't killed. My son looked at the enchiladas and said they look good, and they do look good, better than what I had, I'm such a terrible cook!

  2. A digi cam for 7 bucks?! I know that's probably not in US dollars, but that still seems TOO low and good to be true. The quality looks fine! I saw two your of food posts. Yummy! It's time for dinner, and I am still commenting.

    Pandora is like It spits out similar music from artists from the artists that you list that you like. It is kind of like the box in a way because you'll never know what you're going to get (Forest Gump line!).
