Dienstag, 5. Oktober 2010

Well,it's been long...again.
BUT I have excuses: I was accepted at the university I was applying to and I found a flat,just for my own.It's all so perfect,the flat is small but very nice and I got oh so many things like a blender,a 1-person-fryer,a yellow telephone that turned beige-white again after I cleaned it with earswabs for hours.
Now,as I said everything's happening right NOW and so my sister moved out last weekend.Our cousin,my sister and I are meeting each day since it's the last days we're living that close so the night she moved in we slept over there and we drank a little and the photos turned out...not so well.

It's so strange to move out but I'm more excited than feared.Just my mother is well feared about it.
I hope I can post my photos regularly after I moved and after I got a laptop for my lessons begin at 10 am if I did everything correctly.
How was your moving-out-of-your-childhood-home?