Mittwoch, 8. Dezember 2010

A small update of the clothes I bought lately.My home looked so comfortable tonight so I used the chance to take some pictures.

Oh jeez,it's so cold and there's snow as high as my knees at some places and..there's nothing really to tell.Just wonder how you've been?


3 Kommentare:

  1. Hello lovely lady, I hope you are keeping warm, do you guys celebrate Christmas on the 26th of December? Are you going back home for the holidays? I'm going to my sister's house and we are having a family celebration there, I just hope I don't get sick because i've been feeling kind of sick lately. I love that skirt ouy bought, I haven't stopped by a thrift store lately because my closet is full enough, so I don't want to keep buying stuff however great it is and then I won't have where to put it. Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm okay? Thank you for your comments they are all very sweet and uplifting.

  2. Ooh, such a pretty picture! I need to take pictures with my lights...

  3. Das Konfekt schmeckt vorzüglich! Ich habe mich von einer Schokolade mit Mandeln und Meersalz inspirieren lassen, die ich sehr gerne esse.
    Wenn dir Salz zu gewagt ist, kannst du ja auch etwas anderes nehmen. Gefirergetrocknete Himbeeren, Pistazien, getrockneten Ingwer, oder ganz klassisch Haselnüsse. Ich wünsche gutes Gelingen und ein wunderbares Weihnachtsfest!
