I am not very excited about it and don't want to make a big thing of it.
But nonetheless I wanted a dress,a classic and simple dress,not conspicuous or uncomfortable.I didn't put much effort into searching a good one when my sister and our cousin and I went to Cologne.I am wearing skirts or dresses all day long but it's always rather baggy clothes and comfortable ! I have no idea what to wear for prom without looking vain or styled. Do you?
Maybe I will return this one. The neckline is WAY too plunging.(I don't know how to say that,a plunging neckline?).And it's a little tight and everything.I imagined to wear this dress with black tights and red wedges,simple red wedges without bow ties or any other adornment.
The black bow tie around my waist.
The velly pletty lace,said the chinese man.
danke! :)
AntwortenLöschenich finde das kleid sehr hübsch und denke, dass man es sehr gut zum abschlussball tragen kann.
die outfitzweifel kann ich verstehen, es ist ja sehr schwer etwas zu finden, wenn man nicht auf den typischen ball-look mit schimmerndem kleid und spießiger hochsteckfrisur steht.
als erfahrene flohmarktgängerin sollte es aber wohl nicht zu schwer für dich sein einen vintage-schatz zu finden, falls du das spitzenkleid doch nicht tragen willst.
ich drücke dir die daumen für die suche!
Thank you so much for your nice comment =) you are always so sweet, We're spending the day at my mom's and I'm actually feeling much better and happy.
AntwortenLöschenI think that dress is very pretty, doesn't look tight on the pictures but you're the one wearing it so you decide. I love the lace though, I don't know what girls wear to proms because to tell you the truth I didn't go to mine nor cared about it much, but I think simple and comfortable is great to wear anywhere. I think a similar dress maybe styling it the way you said, red shoes would be great as a pop out color. Whatever you pick take pics so we can see how beautiful you look =)
I only went to prom once for senior year, and that wasn't too long ago ;-) So, the fashion really hasn't changed all that much. Then again, you don't want to dress like how everyone else is dressing. If you want to go the simple and modest route, go for just that dress (with something light-weight inside to cover your chest perhaps) with a bow on your hair (if you're into hair accessories) and round flats for easy dancing.. 40's style. That dress looks very pretty! I am definitely digging the simplicity of it. It's beautiful! Whatever you do, I'm sure you'll look gorgeous!
AntwortenLöschenvielen dank svenja für dein nettes kommentar.das mit dem flohmarkt ist tatsächlich eine gute idee& ich werde morgen noch schnell gucken und Sehr hoffen,etwas zu finden !Darf ich fragen,was du anhattest,bzw. ob du auf einem Abschlussball warst?
AntwortenLöschenThank you Shey alias Modesty Is Pretty and a la Modest!Thank you for all your advises.First thing I do is trying to find a purdy dress tomorrow at the flea market,if I won't succeed I will try just what a la Modest suggested(wearing something light-weight inside,I just have NO idea what).
Thank you again for your dear and caring comments!
Don't you love how easy, convenient, and not too hard on the pocket it is to just keep coming back to the fea market? Ah... I am so glad that they exist!!
AntwortenLöschenJust find something that really says a lot about you, and go with it! Your own individuality dictates your style :) Hope you find something great at the flea market!