My (step)father went sailing today.He's bought a nice little,green sail boat & asked us to come with.
While he's been out on the sea(or should I say lake as it IS a lake) my sister and I walked along the shore and burned our foreheads,shoulders,feet,noses,cheeks and arms,this is every uncovered part of our bodies.
When he was back,the three of us started to scrub the little nutshell.Off went the shoes,up went the pants. I love walking barefoot.With the blue bucket and the wooden scrubber and the bubblegum-blue phosphate-free cleaning lotion we cleaned it.I somehow loved it.It reminded me of Free Willy,without Willy. But I love this Holland-feeling.Being in the sea,having sand everywhere,walking barefoot all day,hearing the thunderous wind,coming home in the evening,taking a shower and eat fish somewhere,maybe a glass of white wine and cigarettes.
Last year I once made a several-hour-walk,collected shells,walked through the sea and listened to the music that reminds me of my love.
Louis Armstrong for instance.
It was the time that I read Sidonie Colette,that oh so inspiring girl,it was the time I took my bike and drove 1 hour to that internet café each day.Yet the saddest and at the same time the most inspiring time I've had.
I didn't want to talk that much.This is not what I was wearing today(no no,definitely no skirt at the windy,thunderous beach).It is what I came up with when I was bored and saw this pretty outfit Modesty is Pretty was wearing recently: . I tried copying it but it's lousy and doesn't have a use.I should be creative and invite my own outfits.Anyway,I loved it a bunch!